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2024 Symposium Agenda - Tuesday


Comprehensive Defense (Whole of Society Approach), Strengthening the Resilience of the Population

01 Oct 2024
Session For Military & Government Attendees Only
In an era marked by complex and multifaceted threats, the traditional notions of defense are evolving. The "Comprehensive Defense" or "Whole of Society" approach is gaining prominence as a strategy that recognizes the interconnectedness of national security and societal resilience. This panel will delve into how integrating diverse sectors and communities into the defense framework can enhance national security and individual well-being.
Mr. Robert BESTRO (Invited), Director - General Defence Policy Division
Mr. Juraj BLANÁR (Invited), Minister of Foreign and European Affairs - Slovak Republic
Mr. Tomáš DRUCKER (Invited), Minister of Education, Research, Development and Youth - Slovak Republic
Mr. Matúš Šutaj EŠTOK (Invited), Minister of Interior - Slovak Republic
Mr. Robert KALIŇÁK, Minister of Defense - Slovak Republic