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Who Exhibits?


Exhibitor Information

GSOF Symposium Europe 2024 is your route into key markets with a pedigree of being the environment to host the special operations community. We invite the community to come together, learn, expand networks and explore business opportunities. Exhibitors specialising in the following products regularly feature at this event:

Advanced Analytics (AI/ML)


Ground Mobility

Ammunition / Demolition


Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Reconnaissance

Autonomous Systems (UAVs/USVs/UGRs/USVs)


Logistics And Supply Chain Management

Aviation (FW/RW)


Maritime Systems

C5 (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber)


Soldier Equipment Systems

Chemical Biological Radiological & Nuclear Defense (CBRNE)


Soldier Survival

Electronic Warfare


Visual Augmentation Systems

EOD & C-IED Systems


Weapons Systems


Meet Our 2024 Exhibitors

To search exhibitors based on their respective product categories click on 'Filters' below:
